Serving the Transport Industry


How to Enter Information

Company records

The system has a database per company. Within that database there is a Driver Record and each driver has a record for every day for which data has been entered into the system.

Reference Periods

Your company can either use fixed reference periods (4 month or 6 month) or rolling periods. These will be assigned by your DrivinTime administrator when the company record is set up.

Driver Records

Your company record determines the number of active drivers you are allowed.

If you exceed the number paid for contact DrivinTime administrator at CompleiT Ltd

It is important to maintain the start and end dates of employment. The system will not allow data entry for a driver outside of these dates.

Worklog Records

For each driver a set of worklog records is maintained. It is important to enter data for each day that the driver is working for you; even if they are sick or on holiday.

The system automatically calculates the driving time per driver by subtracting the cumulative POA and break time from their availability time for each day.

Note: The Average Work Hours is calculated by dividing the Total Work Hours by the number of weeks of data entered for the reference period. Therefore, as soon as information is entered for a driver, even if it is only 1 days data. This will have the effect of artificially lowering the Average until the full weeks data is entered.

Warning Symbols

When you are entering information, the following symbols provide further information.

information available This symbol indicates that help information is available. Click the symbol and a pop-up box will help you.
Over 48 hours symbol If this symbol appears it indicates that the average weekly worktime for a driver exceeds the statutory 48 hours.
over 60 hours symbol If this symbol appears it indicates that the a driver's worktime for a single week exceeds the statutory 60 hours.
Note sign If this symbol appears it indicates that there is an information note recorded on the daily worklog record for the driver.
error symbol Indicates an error has occurred. Report to DrivinTime support for more information.
Warning symbol Is used in conjunction with a warning message that something is not quite right


Data Entry Formats

All times should be entered in 24 hour format: hh:mm e.g. 11:00, 13:30 etc

All dates should be entered in dd:mm:yy or dd/mm/yyyy format e.g. 23/2/06, 1/12/2006

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